Οι 15 καλύτεροι Πίνακες Ζωγραφικής με θέμα την Μητέρα ! . Οσο δύσκολο και εάν είναι να αποτυπώσεις – εκφράσεις τα συναισθήματα που δημιουργεί η Μητρότητα και η έννοια της «Μητέρας», θα διαπιστώσετε και εσείς, ότι ο καλός ζωγράφος συχνά πετυχαίνει τον στόχο του. Πάμε ένα ζωγραφιστό ταξίδι στην αγκαλιά της Μάνας…
.”Poppy Field in Argenteuil,” Claude Monet – In this colorful oil painting, originally created in 1873, Claude Monet painted his wife and son strolling together among the poppies.“Le tre eta della donna (Mother and Child),” Gustav Klimt – Mother and Child is part of Klimt’s famous oil painting Three Ages of Woman. The painting depicts an image of a mother cradling her young son. The original was created in 1905, three years after the death of Klimt’s baby son, Otto.“Luncheon of the Boating Party,” Pierre-Auguste Renoir– Recognized as one of the most significant paintings of the Impressionist period, Renoir’s captures an idyllic atmosphere as his friends share food, wine, and conversation on a balcony overlooking the Seine at the Maison Fournaise restaurant in Chatou. This work of art serves as an icon of an age, a place, and an ideal way of living.Madame Monet and Her Son, by Claude Monet. 1875The Monet Family in Their Garden, by Edouard Manet. 1874Young Mother Sewing, by Mary Cassatt. 1900Auguste Reading to Her Daughter, by Mary Cassatt. 1910On the Terrace, by Pierre Auguste Renoir. 1881Camille Monet and Child, by Claude Monet. 1875Sleeping Baby, by Mary Cassatt. 1910Gravesend Bay, by William Merritt Chase. 1888 (ίσως ο καλύτερος)Children’s Afternoon At Wargemont, by Pierre Auguste Renoir. 1884Mother and Child, by Pierre Auguste Renoir. 1881Łukasz Ciaciuch, paintings – Mother with child…. και 15ος η Kalliopi με τα παιδιά της ! 🙂
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